Senator Mobina Jaffer: Celebrating a Trailblazing Career | The Ismaili Canada


Senator Mobina Jaffer: Celebrating a Trailblazing Career

June 14, 2024 | Canada

Senator Mobina Jaffer is retiring from the Senate of Canada, highlighting a remarkable career marked by unwavering dedication and significant contributions to Canadian society. Her advocacy for human rights, social justice, and equality has left an indelible mark on the nation. 

Appointed on June 13, 2001, by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, Senator Jaffer represented British Columbia and made history as the first Muslim, first African-born, and first South Asian senator in Canadian history. Her appointment broke significant barriers and set a precedent for diversity and inclusion in Canadian politics. 

In her inaugural Senate speech, delivered soon after the September 11 attacks, Senator Jaffer emphasized the importance of compassion, solidarity, and working towards the common good. She was a steadfast proponent of peace, pluralism, and the rule of law throughout her tenure. 

Senator Jaffer served on the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights and led efforts to protect children, including chairing a study addressing the national action required against the sexual exploitation of children in Canada. From 2002 to 2005, she chaired the Canadian Committee on Women, Peace, and Security, and from 2002 to 2006, she served as Canada’s Special Envoy for Peace in Sudan. Her career has been characterized by passionate support for the rights of girls and women. 

Born in Uganda, Senator Jaffer holds a Bachelor of Laws from London University in the United Kingdom. An accomplished lawyer, she was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1998, and her legal expertise and dedication to justice earned her respect and admiration from colleagues and constituents alike. 

A dinner in Senator Jaffer’s honour was held at the Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat in Ottawa on Tuesday, June 11, hosted by Diplomatic Representative Mahmoud Eboo and was attended by diplomats, government officials, AKDN and Jamati leadership. In a video message shared at the event, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien said of Senator Jaffer: "You were a great representative of the Ismaili community, and that is a community that I respect a lot. You were a great servant in the Senate and in the caucus for me, and I've appreciated all your help and friendship." 

Earlier that day in the House of Commons, Member of Parliament Taleeb Noormohamed acknowledged Senator Jaffer’s retirement. 

“As her time in [Senate] comes to an end and she returns home to her beloved B.C., we express our gratitude to her husband, Nuralla, and her children and family for sharing her with Canada,” Noormohamed said. "She has left her mark on Canada, leaving it a better place every single day. The value that refugees bring, and what Ismailis and all of us can do, is what she has exemplified every single day of her remarkable career.” 

Tributes to Senator Jaffer in the House of Commons and Senate were followed by standing ovations in both chambers, highlighting the deep respect and admiration, across political divides, she earned throughout her career. 

Senator Jaffer’s daughter, Farzana, noted that the commitment to social justice was deep and engrained, “I remember, as a youth, my mother bringing home with her, women who had been the subjects of domestic abuse, needing a place to stay.” 

Senator Mobina Jaffer's retirement marks the end of an era characterized by exceptional service, groundbreaking achievements, and profound impact on Canadian society. Her legacy as a trailblazer for diversity and an advocate for the marginalized will continue to inspire women and men, within and beyond the Ismaili community, for many years to come.

Senator Jaffer's unwavering commitment to justice, equality, and peace has left an indelible imprint on the Senate and beyond, reminding us of the power of dedicated public service. As she returns to her beloved British Columbia, Canada salutes a remarkable leader whose contributions have made the nation a more inclusive and compassionate place. 

In her own remarks during the Senate tribute, Senator Jaffer said, "I have stood in this chamber many times to highlight the tremendous work His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan and his institutions are doing globally as well as the significant role he has played in my life. Everything I stand for and everything I have achieved is thanks to the guidance and sacrifices of His Highness the Aga Khan."

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