Quote of the Week

“A cosmopolitan ethic is one that welcomes the complexity of human society. It balances rights and duties, freedom and responsibility. It is an ethic for all peoples, the familiar and the Other, whether they live across the street or across the planet.”

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Address to Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, February 27, 2014
Source: www.akdn.org/Content/1253

“We find singularly little in our theological interpretations that would clash with the other Abrahamic faiths — with Christianity and Judaism. Indeed, there is much that is in profound harmony.”

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Address to Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, February 27, 2014
Source: http://www.akdn.org/Content/1253

“I have been impressed by recent studies showing the activity of voluntary institutions and not-for-profit organisations in Canada to be among the highest in the world. This Canadian spirit resonates with a cherished principle in Shia Ismaili culture — the importance of contributing one’s individual energies on a voluntary basis to improving the lives of others. This is not a matter of philanthropy, but rather of self-fulfillment — ‘enlightened self-fulfillment.’” 

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Address to Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, February 27, 2014
Source: www.akdn.org/Content/1253.

“I have been impressed by recent studies showing the activity of voluntary institutions and not-for-profit organisations in Canada to be among the highest in the world. This Canadian spirit resonates with a cherished principle in Shia Ismaili culture — the importance of contributing one’s individual energies on a voluntary basis to improving the lives of others. This is not a matter of philanthropy, but rather of self-fulfillment — ‘enlightened self-fulfillment.’”

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Address to Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, February 27, 2014
Source: http://www.akdn.org/Content/1253 

“We hear about how the internet can reach out across boundaries, helping us all to stay in touch, and giving us access to information from every imaginable source. But it is worth remembering that the same affirmations have greeted new communication technologies for centuries, from the printing press to the telegraph to television and radio. Yet in each case, while many hopes were fulfilled, many were also disappointed. In the final analysis, the key to human cooperation and concord has not depended on advances in the technologies of communication, but rather on how human beings go about using – or abusing – their technological tools.”

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Brown University Ogden Memorial Lecture, March 10, 2014
Source: www.akdn.org/Content/1260

“We see more people everywhere these days, standing or sitting or walking alone, absorbed in their hand-held screens. But, I wonder whether, in some larger sense, they are really more ‘in touch?’ Greater ‘connectivity’ does not necessarily mean greater ‘connection.’”

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Brown University Ogden Memorial Lecture, March 10, 2014
Source: www.akdn.org/Content/1260/

“We see more people everywhere these days, standing or sitting or walking alone, absorbed in their hand-held screens. But, I wonder whether, in some larger sense, they are really more ‘in touch?’ Greater ‘connectivity’ does not necessarily mean greater ‘connection.’”

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Brown University Ogden Memorial Lecture, March 10, 2014
Source: http://www.akdn.org/Content/1260/

“There are too many societies where too many people live in a culture of fear, condemned to a life of poverty. Addressing that fear, and replacing it with hope, will be a major step to the elimination of poverty. And often the call for hope to replace fear will come from the voices of Civil Society.”

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Address to Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, February 27, 2014
Source: http://www.akdn.org/Content/1253  


“Central to my life has been a verse in the Holy Quran which addresses itself to the whole of humanity. It says: ‘Oh Mankind, fear your Lord, who created you of a single soul, and from it created its mate, and from the pair of them scattered abroad many men and women…’ I know of no more beautiful expression about the unity of our human race – born indeed from a single soul.”

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Address to Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, February 27, 2014
Source: www.akdn.org/Content/1253

“One of the watchwords of our new Global Centre for Pluralism is that ‘Pluralism is a Process and not a Product.’ I know that many Canadians would describe their own pluralism as a ‘work in progress,’ but it is also an asset of enormous global quality.”

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Address to Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, February 27, 2014. 
Source: www.akdn.org/Content/1253.