Quote of the Week

“Central to my life has been a verse in the Holy Quran which addresses itself to the whole of humanity. It says: ‘Oh Mankind, fear your Lord, who created you of a single soul, and from it created its mate, and from the pair of them scattered abroad many men and women…’ I know of no more beautiful expression about the unity of our human race – born indeed from a single soul.”

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Address to Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, February 27, 2014
Source: http://www.akdn.org/Content/1253

“In Islam, the Holy Quran offers explicit direction to share resources beyond one’s requirements, and to care for the poor and those in need. The injunction to service is the ethical underpinning of the work of the Aga Khan Development Network. It drives its efforts to build the intellectual capital and institutions needed to address the problems of our world today.”

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Carnegie Medal for Philanthropy, Edinburgh, Scotland, October 4, 2005
Source: www.akdn.org/speeches_detail.asp?id=117
Video: www.akdn.org/videos_detail.asp?VideoId=21

“I believe that the Islamic faith has played a particular role in the development of Islamic architectural expression. For our faith constantly reminds us to observe and be thankful for the beauty of the world and the universe around us, and our responsibility and obligation, as good stewards of God’s creation, to leave the world in a better condition than we found it.”

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Presentation of the Gold Medal by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, Ottawa, November 27, 2013

Source: http://www.akdn.org/content/1219