Quote of the Week

"Never forget this: The society in which we live cannot give a man happiness. If we miss that, you miss my point altogether. Society can give a man space to breathe and freedom to move in it; it can afford him the means of keeping himself healthy and making himself strong. But happiness never depends on one's surroundings; it depends altogether and exclusively on oneself."

Mawlana Sultan Muhammad Shah, "Aga Khan III: Selected Speeches and Writings of Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah" (Kegan Paul International, 1998)


[Is there anyone] who has sown the corn of hope in this soil
to whom the spring of His grace did not grant hundred-fold [fruit]?

Jalaluddin Rumi, Diwan-i Kabir ya Kullliyat-i Shams, Poem 1253

"I look up at night and I know - I know the glory of the stars. It is then that the stars speak to us - and the sense of that mystery is in our blood."

Mawlana Sultan Muhammad Shah, Aga Khan III: Selected Speeches and Writings of Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah, Kegan Paul International, 1998


(As) Night follows every day,
so during the day, fulfil your worldly obligations;
But come the night, sit in peace
and remember Him whose servant you are,
The people of the world say 'we must earn our livelihood;
when can we sit as God's servants?'
But Mawla 'Ali responds: 'At the time when there is no business,
Remember your Lord in the midst of the dark night.'

Verses from Kalam-i Mawla (The Discourses of Mawla Ali) cited in Ecstasy and Enlightment - The Ismaili Devotional Literature of South Asia by Ali Asani (I.B. Tauris, 2002)

Chères familles,

La situation à travers le Canada et dans le monde continue d’évoluer quotidiennement. Cela a affecté toutes sphères de nos vies - économique, sociale et éducationnelle. Avec les écoles qui sont, en ce moment, fermées et les cours qui sont soit suspendus soit donnés en ligne, il peut être difficile de balancer le travail et l’éducation de vos enfants. Les recherches indiquent qu’il y a une perte de compétences académiques et de connaissances au cours de longues fermetures des écoles. Nous devons donc alors nous assurer que nos enfants continuent leurs apprentissages. L’objectif de l’Aga Khan Education Board pour le Canada, dans la situation actuelle, est de supporter chaque famille dans la création d’un environnement d’apprentissage à domicile positif. Nous espérons réaliser cela avec le site internet Parent Connection avec des ressources et des activités pour les différents groupes d’âges , comprenant de l’aide pour les devoirs pour vous et vos enfants. 

Les études soulignent que les étudiants ont besoin d’une routine, surtout dans les périodes de changement et d’anxiété. La structure encourage nos enfants à s’épanouir. Parent Connection fournit des horaires adaptables et téléchargeables à développer avec vos enfants. Cette approche collaborative pour planifier son horaire vous permet de créer une routine de semaine avec vos enfants qui inclue des activités d’apprentissage à domicile avec du temps en famille et des périodes pour s’amuser.

En tant que parents, nous sommes souvent les plus durs envers nous-mêmes. Veuillez prendre soin de votre bien-être physique et mental. Sachez que chaque famille fait de son mieux et que cela aussi va passer. Inshallah, nous regarderons en arrière et nous nous souviendrons de cette période de «rester à la maison» comme un temps que nous avons pu passé ensemble avec nos enfants, à se blottir sur le canapé, à s’engager dans des activités ou projets familiaux et à se reconnecter de la manière dont nous avons toujours souhaité avoir le temps pour. 

À vous, les étudiants, svp ne vous inquiétez pas. Les gouvernements provinciaux et les institutions post-secondaires à travers le Canada travaillent pour s’assurer que tous les étudiants puissent continuer leurs études. Cela peut sembler différent selon les différentes régions, mais votre santé, votre sécurité et la continuité de vos études restent leurs priorités absolues. Veuillez vous assurer de vérifier auprès de vos établissements post-secondaires, vos districts scolaires et le Ministère de l’éducation de vos provinces respectifs pour obtenir plus d’informations et de détails à fur et à mesure qu’ils seront disponibles. 

Avec mes prières,

Salima Dadani Bhayani

Chairman, Aga Khan Education Board pour le Canada

Dear Families,

The situation across Canada and the world continues to change daily. It has impacted all spheres of our lives - economic, social and educational. With schools currently closed, and classes being suspended or shifted online, it can be difficult to balance work and your child’s education. Research demonstrates that there is a loss of academic skills and knowledge over the course of long school closures. Therefore, we need to ensure our children continue their learning. Our goal, in this context, is to support each family in creating a positive home learning environment. We hope to do this through Parent Connection, a website with age-appropriate resources, activities and supports, including homework help, for you and your child.

Studies show that students need routine, especially during times of change and anxiety. Structure encourages our children to thrive. Parent Connection provides adaptable, downloadable schedules for you to develop alongside your children. This collaborative approach to scheduling allows you to create a weekly routine with your children that incorporates home learning activities, interspersed with fun and family time.

As parents, we are often hardest on ourselves. Please take care of your own well-being, both physical and mental. Know, that every family is doing their best; and this too, shall pass. Inshallah, we will look back and remember this “stay at home” period as a time we were able to spend together with our children, cuddling up on the sofa, engaging in family activities or projects, and reconnecting in ways that we always wished we had time for.

To you, the students: please do not worry. The provincial governments and post-secondary institutions across Canada are working to ensure all students continue their learning. This may look different in different regions, but your safety, health, and continued education remains their top priority. Please ensure to check with your respective post-secondary institutions, school districts, as well as the provincial Ministry of Education, for further details and information as it becomes available.

With prayers,

Salima Dadani Bhayani

Chairman, Aga Khan Education Board for Canada

"For much of human history, leaders have been born into their roles, or have fought their way in — or have bought their way in. But in this new century — a time of unusual danger and stirring promise, it is imperative that aristocracies of class give way to aristocracies of talent — or to use an even better term — to meritocracies. Is it not a fundamental concept of democracy itself, that leadership should be chosen on the basis of merit?"

Mawlana Hazar Imam, Atlanta, USA, April 2008

Wherever there is a ruin, there is hope for a treasure - why do you not seek the treasure of God in the wasted heart?

Jalaluddin Rumi, Diwan-i kabir ya kullliyat-i Shams, Poem 141

"Those who accept the normal responsibilities of life, with all the chances of minor annoyance and utter catastrophe, may know many small griefs and much great sorrow....but, if they are at one with God and have lived manfully, behind the mask of sorrow, bitter though it may be, their souls will be at peace."

Mawlana Sultan Muhammad Shah, "Aga Khan III: Selected Speeches and Writings of Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah" (Kegan Paul International, 1998)

"First, I would place spiritual happiness. A man must be at one with God. This may sound old-fashioned to some people. A few may think that they do not believe in God, and some others that it matters little to the individual in his daily life how he stands with regard to Him.

Ruling out the atheist, with whom a believer can no more argue than he can discuss colour with a blind man, it is surely strange that a believer in an omnipotent and ever-present Deity should fail to realise that how we stand this instant and every instant toward Him matters to us more than anything else in the universe.

That is the fundamental question:- Are you in harmony with God? If you are - you are happy."

Mawlana Sultan Muhammad Shah, "Aga Khan III: Selected Speeches and Writings of Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah" (Kegan Paul International, 1998)