World Partnership Walk: Virtual Voyage – Mozambique

The World Partnership Walk virtual voyage is travelling to Kenya, Mozambique, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan over the course of six weeks. We will be exploring how communities are building a better life, thanks to the support of people like you.

We hope you enjoyed the visit to Kenya. Please fasten your seatbelts as we begin our descent into Mozambique! This is the second stop on our journey.

If you have not already done so, register now to collect your boarding pass and join in.

Bon Voyage!

World Partnership Walk: Virtual Voyage - Kenya

Over the next six weeks, World Partnership Walk will be taking you on a Virtual Voyage! We will travel to Kenya, Mozambique, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan to explore how communities are building a better life, thanks to the support of people like you.

Check out a preview of our journey here.

We are arriving in Kenya - our first stop.

Register today to collect your boarding pass and join in.

Bon Voyage!

Virtual Voyage: No Passport Required

Ladies and gentlemen, all aboard!

Please fasten your seatbelts and get ready as we embark on World Partnership Walk Airlines.

Over the next six weeks, the World Partnership Walk Virtual Voyage will embark on four stops, showcasing various communities and individuals from Kisumu to Kabul. From your fundraising efforts over the years, these individuals have been able to build a better life for themselves and their communities.

The journey begins now.

Join Khalil Z. Shariff, CEO of Aga Khan Foundation Canada, as he kicks off the Virtual Voyage with this special video message.

Register today to collect your boarding pass.

Bon Voyage!

Friday Night Reflections: Providing the Spark of Hope

The 40th anniversary this year of the Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC) is an opportunity to reflect on the initiatives and milestones that have made the organization what it is today. It would be impossible to celebrate the impact of AKFC, both in Canada and overseas, without recognizing the leadership, generosity, and global-mindedness that the Jamat has demonstrated through the World Partnership Walk.

This week on Friday Night Reflections, we are privileged to be joined by Khalil Z. Shariff, CEO of Aga Khan Foundation Canada and Aga Khan Foundation USA, who will sit down with Tinni Sawhney, CEO of Aga Khan Foundation India, and Dr. Claudia Hudspeth, Global Health Lead for Aga Khan Foundation, for a wide-ranging conversation that will explore the impact of AKF activities at the grassroots, how the organization is supporting some of those most affected by the pandemic, and the long-term implications of the current crisis.

We will also hear Jamati voices, including our fundraisers, volunteers, and supporters who continue to demonstrate global citizenship in action and make a lasting impact around the world. And don't miss a sneak peek of the upcoming Virtual Voyage, an immersive trip around the world taking you into the communities where AKFC is working to fight global poverty and slow the spread of COVID-19.

Farsi version:

[video: autoplay:0]

AKFC: Virtual Voyage Departs Next Week

When COVID-19 brought the world to a halt, we knew that your desire to make a difference did not waver. That’s why we remained committed to give you a way to learn, stay connected, and make a lasting impact around the world.

This year, the Walk has pivoted online and we’re thrilled to invite people from coast-to-coast on a Virtual Voyage around the world. During this fundraising campaign, you will discover weekly stories of hope, exploring how AKFC is working with communities to fight global poverty and slow the spread of COVID-19. The voyage begins on October 27 and culminates with the Homecoming Celebration, an online and interactive event on December 6.

Register today

Friday Night Reflections: Providing the Spark of Hope

Friday, October 23, 2020
Start Time:
8:30 PM ET
End Time:
9:30 PM ET

The 40th anniversary this year of the Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC) is an opportunity to reflect on the initiatives and milestones that have made the organization what it is today. It would be impossible to celebrate the impact of AKFC, both in Canada and overseas, without recognizing the leadership, generosity, and global-mindedness that the Jamat has demonstrated through the World Partnership Walk.

This week on Friday Night Reflections, we are privileged to be joined by Khalil Z. Shariff, CEO of Aga Khan Foundation Canada and Aga Khan Foundation USA, who will sit down with Tinni Sawhney, CEO of Aga Khan Foundation India, and Dr. Claudia Hudspeth, Global Health Lead for Aga Khan Foundation, for a wide-ranging conversation that will explore the impact of AKF activities at the grassroots, how the organization is supporting some of those most affected by the pandemic, and the long-term implications of the current crisis.

We will also hear Jamati voices, including our fundraisers, volunteers, and supporters who continue to demonstrate global citizenship in action and make a lasting impact around the world. And don't miss a sneak peek of the upcoming Virtual Voyage, an immersive trip around the world taking you into the communities where AKFC is working to fight global poverty and slow the spread of COVID-19.

  • Watch the broadcast on in English or in Farsi

  • A second broadcast will be shown at 8:30 pm Pacific | 9:30 pm Mountain.

  • A photo gallery highlighting wonderful memories from the past 35 years of the World Partnership Walk will be shown 15 minutes prior to the broadcast.

Call for Photo Submissions: World Partnership Walk Memories

The theme for the upcoming Friday Night Reflections episode is Providing the Spark of Hope: Stepping Forward to End Global Poverty

We invite members of the Jamat to submit their favorite pictures of family, friends and colleagues at past World Partnership Walks. As we kick-off our fall virtual campaign, let us look back at some of the wonderful memories from the past 35 years of fighting global poverty.

A selection of the photographs received will be shown during the pre-show countdown to Friday Night Reflections, and a larger selection will be posted on

The deadline to submit photos is Wednesday, October 21, by 3:00pm ET.

Thank you for sharing your favorite photos with us!

Upload your photos here!

VOLUNTEER TEST 2: Social gathering for kids

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Nulla facilisi. Sed et elementum neque, dictum ultrices metus. Suspendisse a libero neque. Integer luctus tincidunt maximus. Integer ac eros augue. Curabitur sit amet lacinia risus. Vestibulum vitae nisi et ipsum cursus dictum. Etiam dignissim, dolor quis vehicula placerat, tellus est commodo elit, eget fermentum dolor nibh at lacus. Morbi sed tempus lorem. Nam vel nisl a nisi malesuada molestie vel nec odio.
Morbi scelerisque laoreet pulvinar. Nulla dapibus elementum nisl, eget sollicitudin enim molestie vitae. Praesent porttitor est vitae condimentum rhoncus. Sed porta aliquet mi, eget congue est fermentum quis. Suspendisse vitae urna ex. Vivamus elementum magna porttitor turpis fermentum, vitae rhoncus urna auctor. Vivamus massa dui, consectetur nec faucibus nec, ornare eget urna. Duis dapibus libero at tortor feugiat, ac tincidunt purus egestas. Nulla porta lacus vel sapien suscipit euismod eu eu orci. Mauris dui dui, ultrices eget leo eget, scelerisque venenatis mi. In molestie urna a lorem semper, vel lobortis ex euismod.

Vestibulum eget mauris eu nisi aliquam elementum. Curabitur viverra dui tortor, mollis facilisis sem cursus ut. Quisque pulvinar ipsum velit, sed molestie turpis commodo eu. Quisque cursus elit id velit elementum placerat ac et eros. Aliquam accumsan urna et arcu aliquam, vel luctus mi accumsan. Quisque sit amet tincidunt dui. Nulla pharetra, mauris eu bibendum consequat, leo tellus egestas risus, nec posuere orci augue id sem. Maecenas at turpis aliquam felis mattis commodo. Nunc luctus suscipit erat cursus posuere. Etiam tempor blandit justo, in tincidunt enim ornare vitae. Phasellus nec lacus consectetur, sollicitudin lorem sit amet, scelerisque ante. Etiam ullamcorper nunc ante, in convallis sapien vehicula ut. Sed libero eros, vehicula id vehicula sit amet, tristique vitae massa. Proin lacus dolor, elementum nec dui quis, hendrerit tincidunt quam. Duis tristique ut quam nec aliquet. Donec viverra cursus erat et consectetur.


World Partnership Walk hopes to make Canadians global citizens

Toronto Mayor John Tory proclaimed June 9, 2019 as World Partnership Walk Day in Toronto, an announcement that was met with cheering from the crowd assembled for the walk at David Pecaut Square. During his speech, Mayor Tory commended the Walk’s donors, participants and volunteers for demonstrating “that we care deeply about the fate of others who are struggling and who are less fortunate.” He added that he “routinely” references the Canadian Ismaili community, and initiatives such as the Walk, as examples of a community that has “contributed so much to our well-being” across the nation.

Read More

World Partnership Walk: Support Parents Around the World this Father’s Day



Support parents around the world this Father’s Day

Living in a rural community in Kenya, where most people see parenting and caregiving as a woman’s role, David is an engaged father to his two daughters, Marion and Florence (pictured middle and right, respectively). He also made sure his wife, Ruth, had support and professional care during pregnancy and childbirth.

Thanks to the support of their community health volunteer and the upgraded services at the Kenyenya hospital in Kenya, David and Ruth continue to be examples of great parents for those in their community.

Outreach like radio broadcasts, community meetings, and visits from health volunteers will encourage almost 70,000 men in Kenya to be active and engaged fathers, thanks to support from Canada.

This Father’s Day, in memory of the late Mr. Aziz Dhalla, his family will generously match all funds raised online for World Partnership Walk from Thursday, June 13 to Monday, June 16. Join us as we continue to support stronger, happier families around the world by registering for World Partnership Walk and fundraising today!


World Partnership Walk 2019 Change Maker Match



Having a lasting positive impact on communities around the world takes strong leadership.

Having a lasting, positive impact on communities around the world takes commitment, time and resources, as well as strong leadership.

Here in Canada, these leaders are numerous. From our fundraisers to donors to volunteers, together we are creating a brighter future. It is no surprise, then, that long-time World Partnership Walk Sponsor Gulshan and Pyarali G. Nanji Family Foundation has surprised us with a generous donation for a celebratory match to ensure our hard work continues.

Here’s how you can join us between June 1 to 9, 2019 for this special matching campaign! 

  1. Register for the Walk
  2. Fundraise (Only donations of $500 or more will be eligible for the match)
  3. See your funds raised matched by the Gulshan and Pyarali G. Nanji Family Foundation up to $35,000.*

We look forward to celebrating how far we have come together and how much further we have left to go!

*Only donations made online using from Saturday, June 1 to Sunday, June 9, 2019 (ending at 11:59 PM PST) will be considered eligible, up to a maximum amount of $35,000. Funds raised will be added to your city’s fundraising total and not individual or team fundraising totals.

World Partnership Walk 2019

Start Date:
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Start Time:
10:00 AM
Lumberman’s Arch, Stanley Park

Join us this Sunday for Vancouver Walk Day!

Every year, tens of thousands of Canadians join World Partnership Walk to fight global poverty and inspire hope. Join us for another incredible Walk Day. Don’t forget to register!


Sunday, June 16, 2019




Lumberman’s Arch, Stanley Park

Funds raised through Walk support development initiatives that help millions of people in Africa and Asia break the cycle of poverty and improve quality of life Click here to learn more about Aga Khan Foundation Canada’s projects overseas.

When we step forward together, we can make a world of difference!


#WPWalk #Vancouver #GlobalDev

World Partnership Walk 2019



Having a lasting positive impact on communities around the world takes strong leadership.

Having a lasting, positive impact on communities around the world takes commitment, time and resources, as well as strong leadership.

Here in Canada, these leaders are numerous. From our fundraisers to donors to volunteers, together we are creating a brighter future. It is no surprise, then, that long-time World Partnership Walk Sponsor Gulshan and Pyarali G. Nanji Family Foundation has surprised us with a generous donation for a celebratory match to ensure our hard work continues.

Here’s how you can join us between June 1 to 9, 2019 for this special matching campaign! 

  1. Register for the Walk
  2. Fundraise (Only donations of $500 or more will be eligible for the match)
  3. See your funds raised matched by the Gulshan and Pyarali G. Nanji Family Foundation up to $35,000.*

We look forward to celebrating how far we have come together and how much further we have left to go!

*Only donations made online using from Saturday, June 1 to Sunday, June 9, 2019 (ending at 11:59 PM PST) will be considered eligible, up to a maximum amount of $35,000. Funds raised will be added to your city’s fundraising total and not individual or team fundraising totals.

World Partnership Walk

Start Date:
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Start Time:
9:00 AM
David Pecaut Square

Join us this Sunday for Toronto Walk Day! 

Every year, tens of thousands of Canadians join World Partnership Walk to fight global poverty and inspire hope. Join us for another incredible Walk Day. Don’t forget to register!


Sunday, June 9, 2019




David Pecaut Square

Funds raised through Walk support development initiatives that help millions of people in Africa and Asia break the cycle of poverty and improve quality of life. Click here to learn more about Aga Khan Foundation Canada’s projects overseas.

When we step forward together, we can make a world of difference!


#WPWalk #Toronto #GlobalDev