From Imagination to Inspiration: The Shamila Ilyasi Story | The Ismaili Canada

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From Imagination to Inspiration: The Shamila Ilyasi Story

Every story has a thread that subtly weaves through the fabric of our lives, shaping who we become. For Shamila Ilyasi, this thread is her unending love for books and a deep curiosity about the world.

Simen Dodhia
Published May 16, 2024
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Every story has a thread that subtly weaves through the fabric of our lives, shaping who we become. For Shamila Ilyasi, this thread is her unending love for books and a deep curiosity about the world. Born in Afghanistan and raised across continents, her life is a remarkable tale of discovery, resilience, and the profound power of dreams.

At the age of nine, Shamila and her family made a new home in Canada. Arriving without any knowledge of English or French, the primary language of her new environment, she faced daunting challenges. Despite these obstacles, books became her refuge.

"Even before I understood the words, books spoke to me," Shamila recalls. "They showed me pictures, and with my imagination, I filled in the gaps. But not being able to communicate was a painful beginning — it isolated me from other children and made participating in school activities difficult."

Despite these early hardships, Shamila's academic journey showcased her fierce determination. She overcame her initial isolation, excelled in her studies, and thrived in college. The workplace was no different. Starting at a call centre — intended as a temporary job — she laid the foundation for her career. Her natural ability to lead and teach soon saw her rise through the ranks to become a training manager. "Helping others learn and find their path has been one of my greatest joys," she reflects.

As she engaged with words and sentences that once opened new worlds to her, Shamila realized her passion for reading was not just a hobby but a calling. This epiphany drove her to transition from consuming stories to creating them, seamlessly moving from a reader to a storyteller. Her dream of writing crystallized during her childhood days spent imagining stories. Her debut book, Of Love & Stardust, draws from her insights on love, loss, and hope, mirroring her life's ups and downs.

"This book was my way of showing others that their stories matter, too," Shamila explains. The positive feedback from readers only reinforced her belief in the transformative power of sharing personal stories.

Shamila's narrative resonates with her audience, reminding them that dreams know no borders and stories transcend language. Today, she stands as a beacon for young dreamers in her community, illustrating how one can grow through challenges.

"Every step I've taken, every word I've learned, has brought me here," she asserts. "I want to show everyone that their dreams have power and their words have strength."

Beyond her achievements, Shamila remains dedicated to her community, engaging in initiatives that encourage young people to use education and storytelling as tools for change. She shares her passion through workshops and speaking events, inspiring others to chase their goals with fervor. She also nurtures a personal ambition: to attend university when it aligns with her circumstances. Holding this goal close, she reminds us it's never too late to pursue one's educational dreams.

Shamila Ilyasi’s story is a powerful reminder that our life's narrative is not only about the chapters we've lived but also how we choose to write the ones ahead. Her journey inspires us to embrace our paths, find joy in learning, and view each challenge as an opportunity to enrich our story. Following her narrative, we see that we each hold the pen that scripts our unique tales.

The Ismaili

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