Volunteers Unite for Third Annual Global Ismaili CIVIC Day | The Ismaili Canada


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Volunteers Unite for Third Annual Global Ismaili CIVIC Day

September 29, 2023 | Canada

Last weekend in cities across the globe, a unique collaborative event took place. More than 58,000 dedicated volunteers from the Ismaili community came together to mark the third annual Global Ismaili CIVIC Day, in a display of kindness, generosity, and good citizenship.

Global Ismaili CIVIC Day is more than just a gathering; it's a celebration of a centuries-old tradition rooted in serving humanity through voluntary service. Exemplifying Islam’s core values of service, peace, compassion, and care for the vulnerable, the broader Ismaili CIVIC initiative helps to improve lives in the communities where the Jamat lives — all year round. 

In Canada, Ismaili CIVIC volunteers engaged in 20 activities ranging from clean-up exercises, evasive plant removal, e-waste drives, donating toiletries supplies and blood and tree planting culminating in 3000 hours of service, over the course of the weekend. In total, over 800 volunteers, collected over 200 kg of waste and planted over 500 trees.

In addition, Ismaili CIVIC received two proclamations (Province of British Columbia and City of Markham) and a letter from Ontario Premier Doug Ford, in which he stated “I’m touched to see Ismaili CIVIC stepping up to help. That’s the true Ontario Spirit. Organizations like yours not only build fellowship and faith among your members, but also serve as a meaningful way to support worthy charitable and humanitarian causes, here and around the globe.” 

In attendance included Her Honour Salma Lakhani, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, 9 government officials, Mayors, Members of Parliament and Members of the Legislative Assembly from BC, Ontario, Edmonton and Prairies. Over 20 partnerships were formed with civil society organizations including Prince’s Trust Canada, Don’t Mess with the Don, Root for Trees, City of Burnaby, and many others. 

We thank the Jamat for their participation and demonstration of their values of good citizenship, care for the vulnerable and care for the environment.

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49 Wynford Drive Toronto, Ontario M3C 1K1 CANADA

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