In Conversation with Professor Zayn Kassam | The Ismaili Canada


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In Conversation with Professor Zayn Kassam

May 14, 2024 | Canada

Professor Zayn Kassam, Director of The Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS), joins us for an exclusive interview. She talks about her journey in academia and offers her insights on the multifaceted role and mandate of the IIS.

Founded in 1977 by Mawlana Hazar Imam, the IIS is a leading academic institution centred on higher education and academic research. Focusing on Islamic history, philosophy, and literary traditions, the Institute specialises in Ismaili and broader Shi‘i traditions. Its mission extends to addressing contemporary challenges faced by Muslim communities worldwide.

Professor Kassam begins by sharing a personal reflection on her journey within the Ismaili community, highlighting the deep-rooted tradition of love for the Imam and dedication to service. Born and raised in Kenya and having attended the Aga Khan High School in Nairobi, her academic journey from English literature to Islamic studies was fuelled by interests in philosophy, religion, gender studies, and environmental issues. 

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