Imamat Day 2023: Leadership Message | The Ismaili Canada


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Imamat Day 2023: Leadership Message

July 6, 2023 | Toronto

On behalf of all Ontario Jamati Institution office-bearers, we wish you a heartfelt Imamat Day Mubarak. On July 11, along with Ismailis from all over the world, we will celebrate the anniversary of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s accession to the throne of Imamat. 

This Imamat day, we celebrate 66 years of the Imam’s spiritual and material guidance. We offer our deepest gratitude for his tireless efforts, every day, to helping ensure the safety and security of his Jamat around the world; for his contributions to humanity at large, towards building a more compassionate, equitable and understanding world; for motivating us to develop our true potential; and for lighting the path, for each one of us, to spiritual understanding. For all this, we are ever grateful. 

As a Jamat we are fortunate to enjoy significant events and festivities that continue to bring the Jamat together:

  • We had the privilege of hosting Prince Hussain for the Canadian debut of the Living Sea - Fragile Beauty photographic exhibition in Calgary and Toronto.  More than twenty thousand people visited the stunning exhibition that demonstrates the beauty and fragility of underwater sea life, and our interconnectivity with one another through the seas. 
  • The illume festival brings together talent from across all generations of the Jamat to celebrate each other’s talent in the areas of performing and visual arts, and sports.  Regional festivals and qualifying events highlighted the talent and sportsmanship of the Jamat.  The National festival in August and November will bring us together as one Jamat in Hamilton and Toronto.

We are currently celebrating our 50th anniversary of significant Ismaili presence in Canada.  This celebration has brought together community members from diverse backgrounds to reflect and share their stories of arriving and living in Canada.  Mawlana Hazar Imam’s commitment to improving quality of life for all, including our fellow Canadians, includes the establishment of numerous Imamat institutions in Canada.  Mawlana Hazar Imam has also signed agreements of understanding with various levels of government and through the Aga Khan University, with Canadian establishments of higher education. As members of the Canadian Jamat, let us continue to advance a true understanding of our faith and of our values of pluralism, respect for human dignity, and equity, and contribute to building this great country over the next five decades and beyond.

Over the recent past, we have been graced with an increasing number of newcomers – Jamati members who have made Canada their home and become part of the strong fabric of our collective identity. It is a blessing for the Jamat to be able to grow in this way, and to be the beneficiary of the strength that this diversity brings. Let us continue to extend our support, in whatever way we can, for those establishing their roots in Canada, in the spirit of family and unity.

As we complete our terms of office in the coming days, we offer shukrana for the blessing and utmost privilege of being able to serve the Imam-of-the-Time and the Jamat. We extend to each of you our sincerest gratitude for your unwavering support of the initiatives of the Jamati institutions, and for the patience, kindness and understanding that you have extended to each one of us in our roles. We seek your forgiveness for errors, oversights and hurt feelings, and know that you will continue to offer this affection and support to the incoming leadership as they seek to realize Mawlana Hazar Imam’s vision for the Jamat in the years ahead.

We wish every one of you a joyful and fulfilling Imamat Day. May you, your families and your loved ones be blessed with immense barakah, good health, prosperity, peace, spiritual understanding and the alleviation of all your difficulties.


Imamat Day Mubarak!


Kiran Hayat

Chairman, Committee for Southwest Ontario

Salim Bhanji 

President for the Council for Ontario & Chairman, Committee for Toronto

Shakeel Bharmal

President for the Council for Ottawa & Chairman, Committee for Northeast Ontario


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His Highness Prince Aga Khan Shia Imami Ismaili Council for Canada

49 Wynford Drive Toronto, Ontario M3C 1K1 CANADA

Tel: +1-416-646-6965

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