The Aga Khan Museum Opened to the Public on September 18, 2014 | The Ismaili Canada
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The Aga Khan Museum Opened to the Public on September 18, 2014
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The Aga Khan Museum, which opened its doors to the public on September 18, is the first of its kind in North America, dedicated to the preservation and celebration of the art and culture of Muslim civilizations. Renowned speakers, educators and artists will provide visitors with their perspectives on Muslim civilizations, and  there will be opportunities to learn about the museum’s collection and exhibitions, which will be complemented by print and digital publications, including art books, catalogues, academic papers, and children’s books. Some of these will be available in the Museum’s gift shop and others will be accessible in the research library and reading room.

Programming will be catered to all ages. Elementary school students will have an opportunity to explore the Museum through school programs that touch upon aspects of the Ontario curriculum, including art, language, social studies, science, and math. On Sunday afternoons, fun, hands-on activities have been planned for families. Parents can also sign out an “Exploration Backpack” on any day of the week and take their children on their own adventures through the galleries.

Despite the richness of its collection, objects are not the sole focus of the Aga Khan Museum. Performance and visual arts of Islamic civilizations have mutually inspired one another for centuries, and the Museum will showcase this synergy. The inaugural season features musicians, dancers and other artists of local, national and international renown. Audiences will be able to take in concerts, theatrical performances and film showings, and attend book launches, readings and spoken word recitals. There will also be classes and workshops, panel discussions and lectures, and even public jam sessions.

In special recognition of the opening weekend of the Aga Khan Museum, the CN Tower in downtown Toronto will be lit up in blue, reflecting the official colours of the Museum.

For more details on entrance fees and hours of operation for the Aga Khan Museum, please visit

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Friday, September 19, 2014
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