Avoid Getting Scammed - Fraud Seminar | The Ismaili Canada

Avoid Getting Scammed - Fraud Seminar

Northeast Ontario
After Jamati Ceremonies

Avoid Getting Scammed - Fraud Seminar


Have you received a phone call from CRA indicating that you owe money? Maybe you are getting a refund? You are asked to give some information. Go and get a prepaid visa card and we will call back to get the number. We will send the police to arrest you and deport you.

Maybe you are offered to purchase a nice house in the US. Send a small deposit and we will hold the the house for you till you come a see us.

How about a holiday booking at a 5 star hotel for $350? Are you interested?

Come and listen about the different ways you can get scammed. Learn about how people convince you to give them your money. Understand what you are hearing and learn how to protect yourself and not give your money away to strangers. A seminar on fraud will be held on Sunday, October 25th after Jamati ceremonies for about an hour. Practical examples will be given. Please register by email: epbottawa786@gmail.com

The Ismaili

Contact Us

His Highness Prince Aga Khan Shia Imami Ismaili Council for Canada

49 Wynford Drive Toronto, Ontario M3C 1K1 CANADA

Tel: +1-416-646-6965

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