Writing a Successful Business Plan | The Ismaili Canada

Writing a Successful Business Plan

7:30 AM PT
8:30 AM MT
10:30 AM ET

Writing a Successful Business Plan


Learn how to research, plan, budget, forecast and present the information in a business plan in an impactful manner. The speaker is Mr. Glenn Suart a Chief Strategist at WriteMyPlan, a company dedicated to helping people turn good ideas into successful, revenue generating and profitable Great Ideas. Over the past 23 years while at PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting, Nordicity and WriteMyPlan, Glenn has helped hundreds of clients take action while impressing investors, banks and other stakeholders.Currently, Glenn is involved in the following:

  • He crafts winning business plans and provides strategic consulting for a multitude of entrepreneurs and SMEs through his management consultancy WriteMyPlan.com;
  • Teaches “Building An Effective Business Case” and “Introduction to Business Administration” at Mount Royal University
  • Writes and voices “Today’s Great Idea” on Calgary’s NewsTalk 770 AM, an inspirational 100+ episode radio series focused on encouraging everyday people to take action with their Great Ideas.


Glenn is excited to be presenting this informative session and share some of his successful business plan writing ideas. A nominal fee of $5 per person would be charged. Chai and refreshments will be served. For registrations, please email at ep.epb.prairies@gmail.com.

The Ismaili

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