Jamatkhana Attendance Process Changes | The Ismaili Canada
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Jamatkhana Attendance Process Changes

Do you have questions about the changes to the Jamatkhana attendance process in Ontario? 

Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I get an enhanced vaccine certificate?

You can download an enhanced vaccine certificate (government issued passport):

Will check-in still be required?


  • While a confirmed allocation will no longer be required to attend Jamatkhana, Jamati members will be required to check in with volunteers on entry. This will help manage capacity and ensure appropriate contact tracing can be conducted, should it be required. The check-in process will be in effect at all Ontario Jamatkhanas.
  • To attend Jamatkhanas where a government issued vaccine passport is required, Jamati members will be asked to show their proof of vaccination and personal identification to the check-in volunteer each time they enter Jamatkhana. For privacy and security reasons, the Jamati check-in system will not retain any personal health data.
Will I need to have a profile in the Jamatkhana Registration system in order to attend?

Yes. Even though a confirmed allocation from the Jamatkhana registration system will not be required to attend Jamatkhana, you will still need to have a profile in the Jamatkhana Registration system. This is so that you can be checked in upon entry and facilitate contact tracing, should it be necessary. 

Who is considered fully vaccinated?

In order to access those Jamatkhanas where proof of vaccination is required, you will need to be fully vaccinated. You are considered fully vaccinated if

Will medical exemptions be allowed?

Yes. If you are unable to be fully vaccinated for a medical reason, you may be exempt from the requirement to show proof of vaccination. You will need to show a written document from a physician or nurse practitioner, which, as per Government of Ontario guidelines, must include:

  • The name and contact information of the physician or nurse practitioner who wrote the note (for example, phone number and address) 
  • A logo or letterhead identifying the physician or nurse practitioner
  • A statement that there is a medical reason for your exemption for being fully vaccinated against COVID-19
  • The time-period for the medical exemption
Will exemptions be allowed for those who are part of a clinical trial?

Yes. If you are participating in a COVID-19 clinical trial authorized by Health Canada and specified in Ministry of Health guidance, you will be exempt from the requirement to show proof of vaccination if you provide both:

  • Personal identification, AND
  • Documentation stating that you are currently participating in a clinical trial, including:
    • A completed “Statement of Exemption due to Participation in a COVID-19 Clinical Trial” form signed by the principal investigator and study participant (available through the clinical trial organizer)
    • Documentation from the principal investigator with your first and last name, date of birth and information about the clinical trial
Can proof of a negative COVID-19 test be used instead?

No. As per Government of Ontario regulations, where proof of vaccination is required, proof of recent negative COVID-19 tests cannot be used in lieu.

Can I attend if I am visiting from out of town?

Yes. Jamati members who produce proof of vaccination from their home province or country, and are registered with the Canada Jamatkhana Registration system, will be eligible to attend Jamatkhana. #OneJamat.

Will I need to undergo a screening process?

Yes. All Jamati members are asked to screen themselves for COVID-19 symptoms before departing from home for Jamatkhana. If any of the screening test results are positive, kindly do not attend Jamatkhana in order to protect other Jamati members.

What should I do if I am not feeling well?

Jamati members who are feeling ill or who have any COVID-19 symptoms are asked not to attend Jamatkhana in order to protect other Jamati members.

Will children under 12 need to show proof of vaccination?

No. Proof of vaccination is only required for those who are eligible for vaccination. If eligibility for children changes in the coming weeks, please check back here for updated information.

What if I need to be seated on a chair?

There will no longer be an online process for confirming chair allocations. If your Jamatkhana profile includes a request for a chair, this is not an indication that you will receive a chair in Jamatkhana. The allocation of chairs will return to the pre-COVID process for the Jamatkhana that you are attending.

Can you store my vaccine passport information so I don't have to show it each time?

Unfortunately, no. In order to protect privacy and confidentiality, we do not store any personal health information in our Jamatkhana Registration system. Thanks for your understanding.

The Ismaili

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His Highness Prince Aga Khan Shia Imami Ismaili Council for Canada

49 Wynford Drive Toronto, Ontario M3C 1K1 CANADA

Tel: +1-416-646-6965

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