BC Early Childhood Tax Benefit | The Ismaili Canada
In 2015, the BC government is introducing the new BC Early Childhood Tax Benefit to improve the affordability of child care and assist families with the cost of raising young children. The BC Early Childhood Tax Benefit, is a tax-free monthly payment of up to a maximum of $55 per month – or $660 dollars per year – for each child under the age of six.
This benefit will be administered on a monthly basis through the Canada Child Tax Benefit system, with payments starting in April 2015. To be eligible to receive the benefit, families must file their 2013 personal income tax returns even if they have no income to report.
For more information on the BC Early Childhood Tax Benefit, please visit the Ministry’s website at www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/childcare/tax_benefit.htm or view the information sheet online at www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/childcare/pdfs/tax_benefit_poster.pdf.
The Ismaili

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