Edmonton’s Sportsfest North brings athletes of all ages together | The Ismaili Canada

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Edmonton’s Sportsfest North brings athletes of all ages together

Published July 27, 2020
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Alberta’s Ismaili athletes celebrated this year’s Family Day by coming together for Sportsfest North 2020 in Edmonton.

Over 250 participants aged 5 to 76 took part in the multi-sport competition with more than 1000 spectators on hand and the support of over 200 volunteers.

Athletes from various backgrounds took part in seven different sports including ball hockey, soccer, cricket, volleyball, table tennis and throwball, as well as bollywood yoga.

For many, the highlight of the tournament was a ball hockey game for kids aged 5 to 9, which brought out the largest crowd of the weekend for the youngest participants.

Many of the older participants recalled their days participating in the Triangle Games and how those past sports tournaments brought them together.

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