Small Acts of Courage: A Conversation with Ali Velshi | The Ismaili Canada
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Small Acts of Courage: A Conversation with Ali Velshi

British Columbia
8:15 PM
  • Ismaili Centre Vancouver
Open to Multi-faith
family members

Small Acts of Courage: A Conversation with Ali Velshi


On Wednesday, June 26 at Ismaili Centre Vancouver, join MSNBC’s Chief Correspondent Ali Velshi in conversation with international human connection keynote speaker and author Riaz Meghji about Velshi’s compelling new book, Small Acts of Courage: A Legacy of Endurance and the Fight for Democracy.

This conversation will explore Velshi's captivating family history; from India to Africa, from Toronto to New York, and the ways in which small actions can have an outsized political and social impact.

Doors will open at 8:15pm.

This event is now at capacity. Thank you for your interest.

About the Author

Ali Velshi is an award-winning journalist, host of "Velshi" and Chief Correspondent for MSNBC, and a weekly economics contributor to NPR's "Here and Now." Known for his immersive reporting and interactive discussions in his "Velshi Across America" series, Velshi also hosts the "Velshi Banned Book Club" on MSNBC and its podcast. He previously worked for Al-Jazeera America and CNN. Born in Nairobi and raised in Toronto, Velshi holds a degree in Religion and an honorary Doctorate of Laws from Queen’s University. He serves on several notable boards and has been nominated for multiple Emmy Awards, winning two National Headliner Awards and a Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Delta Chi Award.

About the Book

Small Acts of Courage traces Velshi’s family's 125-year history of activism and resilience. Beginning with his great-grandfather’s decision to send his son to Gandhi’s Tolstoy Farm, Velshi narrates the family’s journey from apartheid South Africa to Kenya, Canada, and the United States. The book showcases how small, courageous acts can lead to significant political change, drawing on his family's experiences to advocate for social justice and pluralistic democracy. Small Acts of Courage is both a heartfelt memoir and a call to action, emphasizing the importance of individual contributions to societal progress.

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