Harnessing Energy and Agency for a Greener Future | The Ismaili Canada


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Harnessing Energy and Agency for a Greener Future

June 5, 2024 | Canada

Coming from a family with limited access to resources, Saif's Rehman’s early life was marked by struggle. In the 1970s, his father decided to leave their ancestral home for Karachi, where he took a job in construction to provide for the family. Little did they know this decision would go on to shape Saif’s life and prospects in the years to follow.

On arriving into the sprawling city of Karachi, Saif’s father accepted the first work he could find, on a large construction site adjacent to the national cricket stadium. It turned out to be the the site of the Aga Khan University (AKU) campus, which Mawlana Hazar Imam had established as the first private international university in Pakistan.

While coping with the hardships of migration from a small village in Chitral to the largest city in the country, Saif's parents instilled the value of education in their five children, believing that learning English and pursuing quality higher education were crucial steps toward improving their family’s quality of life. 

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