Prince Rahim Visits AKDN Projects in Hunza, Pakistan | The Ismaili Canada


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Prince Rahim Visits AKDN Projects in Hunza, Pakistan

June 9, 2024 | Canada

Prince Rahim inaugurated a software technology park, launched the development of two solar power plants, and visited a restored fort and a hotel.

Prince Rahim continued his visit to Pakistan, travelling to Hunza in northern Pakistan yesterday to visit several AKDN projects. He inaugurated a Software Technology Park in Nasirabad, which will support the sustainable development of Gilgit-Baltistan.

The Park will provide an uninterrupted power supply, high-speed internet, and a co-working space for small and growing start-ups, freelancers, and chambers of commerce. It will act as the central resource for a hub and spokes model linking other IT facilities in more remote areas of the region. This will enhance access to distance learning, entrepreneurship and career counselling, and digital skills development, while catalysing freelance business opportunities.

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