Inauguration of Edmonton West Jamatkhana: Where Tradition Meets Tomorrow | The Ismaili Canada


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Inauguration of Edmonton West Jamatkhana: Where Tradition Meets Tomorrow

June 14, 2024 | Canada

The opening of the new West Jamatkhana on Thursday, June 13, marked a significant milestone for the Edmonton and Canadian Jamat. This new Jamatkhana stands as a testament to the strength and unity of the Ismaili community, celebrating their heritage and contributions while looking forward to a future of continued engagement and service within broader society.

With its striking Islamic architectural features, the newly-built West Jamatkhana includes intricate wood latticework and geometric designs that foster a connection with the natural surroundings. In addition to congregational space, the facility includes spaces for arts, sports and educational programs, a garden for reflection, and more.

Distinguished guests attended the opening event, including His Worship Mayor Amarjeet Sohi, members of the legislative assembly, city councillors and Jamati leadership. Several other civil society leaders were also in attendance. In his address, Mayor Sohi reflected on his long-standing relationship with the Ismaili community in Edmonton, expressing deep appreciation for their efforts in building ties with the broader community. Councillor Andrew Knack also offered remarks, recounting the history of the new West Jamatkhana—a journey of over 10 years. He highlighted that this new space will be a safe and welcoming place to practice faith and bring the community together.

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