She Shoots, She Scores | The Ismaili Canada
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She Shoots, She Scores
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She Shoots, She Scores

AKYSB Ontario presents She Shoots, She Scores, women and girls' soccer clinics for all skill levels! This program is open to Women/Girls ages 12 and above (birth year 2007 or earlier).

Each clinic will focus on skill development and game play. Certified and assistant coaches will facilitate skills development (e.g., drills) at the beginning of each session. The remainder of the time will be dedicated towards game play. The goal of this program is to provide a platform for women and girls to play soccer throughout the year, and foster a female soccer community within the Ontario Jamat. 

Sessions will be held on Sundays, twice a month. Sessions will be split by skill level after the first week. Registration is open for the second (Apr/May/Jun) quarter. Space is limited in the program, please register AND pay to secure your spot.


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Thursday, January 10, 2019 to Thursday, July 18, 2019
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The Ismaili

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