The Innovation Economy: Technology and Opportunities

The innovation economy is a key sector of current and future economic growth. It is a frequent topic of conversation, both in the media as well as broadly in society. Particularly important for the younger generation of our Jamat, knowledge of the innovation economy is critical when considering the future of work and career opportunities, as well as career planning.

Key questions:

  1. What is the trajectory of various emerging technologies and business models?
  2. What opportunities do these innovations create? What are the risks?
  3. How is COVID-19 affecting innovation?
  4. What are the implications for the future of work?
  5. How should one consider participating in the innovation economy – as an entrepreneur, a start-up employee, an investor / a venture capitalist, or in other ways?

Tune in to hear the views and perspectives of senior venture capitalists in Silicon Valley: Arif Janmohamed, a Partner at Lightspeed; Farouk Ladha, Founder of Four Rivers Group; and Todd Simpson, Partner at iNovia. The webinar will be moderated by Irfhan Rawji, Venture Partner at Relay Ventures.

Justice of the Peace Vacancies

The Justices of the Peace Appointments Advisory Committee invites applications for vacant Justice of the Peace positions in the Province of Ontario. A Justice of the Peace is an independent judicial officer who presides in court over various proceedings under federal and provincial statutes.

For more information, and to apply, please click here.

Applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, October 15, 2020.

Mortgage Deferral Program

As the Mortgage Deferral Program comes to an end for many, remember: deferring your mortgage payments still means you’ll have to pay both the principal and the interest. It is vital to understand the agreement between you and your lender, and have a plan to payback the skipped payments.

If, at any point in this crisis, you think you won’t be able to make your regular mortgage payment, it’s important for you to take quick action. Contact your bank or mortgage professional immediately before you miss a payment.

To understand more about mortgage deferral, visit the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation website

Frauds and Scams

It is important to remember that if you didn’t initiate contact with a person or a business, you don’t know who you are dealing with. Be very cautious when receiving calls, emails, or texts that appear to be from a financial institution or organizations asking for personal or financial information.

Visit the Government of Canada’s webpage on Protection from Frauds and Scams for more information.

Understanding Your Finances

Various resources are available to help you make informative and sound financial decisions:

  • Visit the financial resources page on the iiCanada website for comprehensive information and tools to help you manage your personal and business finances.
  • Learn more about KOFE (Knowledge of Financial Education), which is a web-based financial education centre, set up exclusively for our Jamat through Credit Counselling Services of Canada (a national accredited non-profit organization).

Salon virtuel de l'emploi

Wednesday, October 7, 2020
10am ET

Cette année, le Salon de l'emploi aura lieu de façon virtuelle.

Ce Salon incluera des visites virtuelles de stands, des conférences et des périodes de clavardage avec les exposants et du vidéochat en chat en direct. Le salon virtuel vous permet d'accéder à de nombreuses offres d'emploi, formations et services au Québec. Plusieurs organisations seront présentes incluant le Y des femmes de Montréal. 

Il y aura 2 jours de clavardage avec les exposants, le 7 et le 8 octobre 2020 de 10h à 18h et vous pourrez déposer vos candidatures via la plateforme virtuel.

Pour plus d'information

The Innovation Economy: Technology and Opportunities

Thursday, October 8, 2020
5pm PT | 8pm ET

The innovation economy is a key sector of current and future economic growth. It is a frequent topic of conversation, both in the media as well as broadly in society. Particularly important for the younger generation of our Jamat, knowledge of the innovation economy is critical when considering the future of work and career opportunities, as well as career planning.

Key questions:

  1. What is the trajectory of various emerging technologies and business models?
  2. What opportunities do these innovations create? What are the risks?
  3. How is COVID-19 affecting innovation?
  4. What are the implications for the future of work?
  5. How should one consider participating in the innovation economy – as an entrepreneur, a start-up employee, an investor / a venture capitalist, or in other ways?

Tune in to hear the views and perspectives of senior venture capitalists in Silicon Valley: Arif Janmohamed, a Partner at Lightspeed; Farouk Ladha, Founder of Four Rivers Group; and Todd Simpson, Partner at iNovia. The webinar will be moderated by Irfhan Rawji, Venture Partner at Relay Ventures.

Crisis as a Catalyst: Unlocking Opportunities in Teaching and Education

Across the world, education has been one of the most severely disrupted areas in the wake of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Through the introduction of various online initiatives, the Aga Khan Economic Planning Board (AKEPB) in India has invested in upskilling for teachers, to help them navigate the new world of online education. 

Read more

Economic Planning Board Content Submission Form

Submit it in as much advance as you can. Please use this form for all EPB Communications requests in Canada. The form must be submitted at least 5 days in advance. If you have any questions email us at:

Email us the files at:
Please use this link to select an image for your Digital Al-Akhbar / iiCanada App, LCD or Social Media submission. Link to dropbox:
We strongly encourage all submissions to be accompanied by an image (required for Al-Akhbar / iiCanada app), as this significantly increases visual appeal.
Images cannot be taken off the internet without express permission or purchase. Images should ideally be a ratio of 6:4 (width to height), with a minimum width of 480px and an ideal width of 1280px (so that it looks good on a tablet).
Please ensure that you own copyright to the image and it is in high-resolution so it doesn't appear fuzzy - we're trying to maintain a professional look!

Resumé Review Service

Applying for jobs but not getting interviews? Not sure how to start updating your resume? If so, then this is for you!

Click here to get started now.

The Next Phase: CERB Transition, Increased Access to EI, and Recovery Benefits

The Government of Canada has transitioned to a simplified Employment Insurance (EI) program to provide income support to those who remain unable to work and are eligible for support. A new suite of temporary and taxable recovery benefits has been introduced to further support workers.

Please visit the Government of Canada website for further information. Additionally, please visit the following pages for more details on additional support available:

Benefits Finder is a tool that can help you find benefits and services from federal, provincial, or territorial governments that you may be eligible to receive. It does not collect or track your information. The more questions you answer, the more customized your results will be.

Click here to get started.

Upskill Your Spreadsheet Skills

Join us for a virtual Microsoft Excel 2016 Intermediate Level class.

​The requirement for this course is basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel. Please learn Excel 2016 Basics online for free here.

For more details, view the attached poster here.

Video duration: 4 hours 16 minutes

KOFE: Knowledge of Financial Education

KOFE (Knowledge of Financial Education) is a web‐based financial education centre, set up exclusively for our Jamat through Consolidated Credit Counselling Services of Canada, a national accredited non‐profit organization.

Ask a Financial Coach (English-French-Farsi-Dari-Arabic)  

  • For tailored solutions to get out of debt 
  • Am I ready to purchase a home? 
  • How do I make a budget? 
  • Get answers to your financial questions 
  • Private & Confidential 

Contact your qualified financial coach today for free. Register today with KOFE (only username & e-mail required) to access all the free services, various tools and calculators, a variety of educational resources like interactive courses, informative videos, publications and webinars to help you build a strong financial future. Toll free number 1-844-329-3834.

Register today with KOFE