Living Life to the Full | The Ismaili Canada

With a rising number of Canadians being diagnosed with mental health, promoting good mental health is an increasing area of focus for the Aga Khan Health Board for Canada.

In response, the Health Board entered into a partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association two years ago.  The result is an innovative program that teaches the Jamat practical ways to deal with adversity in our day to day lives. While most people manage stress well, other find difficulty managing their anger, can isolate them, or engage in behaviours unhealthy to them and their families.    

Living Life to the Full (LLTTF) is an eight-week, evidence- based personal development course taught by trained facilitators aimed at addressing these challenges.  It requires participants to attend for 1.5 hours every week, with fun practice assignments to work on at home.  LLTTF began as a pilot in B.C., and has now been delivered for members of the community in Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, and Toronto, with plans to launch the program for the Quebec Jamat in 2014.  Close to 200 individuals have graduated from this course, which is open to adults of all ages.  Plans are also underway to offer the course to youth.  

One participant, a home-maker in her mid-50’s said,  “LLTTF ‘s eight week classes empowered me to live life to the fullest, use various strategies daily to deal with problems, stresses, challenges, and to feel happy and excited instead of worrying or having anxiety.” 
Interested? Check out the next course of Living Life to the Full in your region.

The Ismaili

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His Highness Prince Aga Khan Shia Imami Ismaili Council for Canada

49 Wynford Drive Toronto, Ontario M3C 1K1 CANADA

Tel: +1-416-646-6965

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