Eid-e Ghadir | The Ismaili Canada


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Eid-e Ghadir

June 17, 2024 | Canada

On Monday, June 24, Shia Muslims across the world will observe Eid-e Ghadir, marking the anniversary of an important event in Muslim history. According to Shia tradition, this occasion commemorates the pivotal gathering at Ghadir Khumm, when Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) — based on a divine command from Allah — designated Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) as his successor and the first in the continuing line of hereditary Imams. 

In commemorating Eid-e Ghadir, the Jamat celebrates the seminal event of Ghadir Khumm, reaffirming our allegiance to the Imam-of-the-Time as the direct lineal successor and inheritor of the authority of Hazrat Ali.  This occassion also allows us the opportunity to reflect on the fourteen centuries of living guidance through the institution of Imamat.  Let us rejoice in the knowledge that the Imam’s perpetual and eternal guidance has continued to serve, both as a beacon and a blessing, that has propelled us towards material and spiritual progress. 

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