Recap: A Conversation with Ali Velshi | The Ismaili Canada


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Recap: A Conversation with Ali Velshi

June 27, 2024 | Toronto
On Tuesday, June 25, the Ismaili Centre, Toronto hosted a captivating discussion with MSNBC Chief Correspondent Ali Velshi, moderated by Farah Nasser. The event, titled "Small Acts of Courage: A Legacy of Endurance and the Fight for Democracy," highlighted Velshi's new book and its powerful message.
Ali Velshi shared his family's remarkable 125-year history across three continents, illustrating how small, courageous actions can have a profound impact on society. The evening delved into stories from Velshi's book, showcasing his great-grandfather’s pivotal decision to send his son to Gandhi’s Tolstoy Farm, and the family’s journey from apartheid South Africa to Kenya, Canada, and the United States. Velshi's narrative emphasized the significance of individual contributions to social justice and democracy.
Over 300 people in the audience were inspired by Velshi's engaging storytelling and the conversation with Farah Nasser, which brought to life the themes of resilience and activism. Attendees were encouraged to reflect on their own potential to create change in their communities.
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