Prince Amyn visits Houston to review progress on Ismaili Center | The Ismaili Canada


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Prince Amyn visits Houston to review progress on Ismaili Center

July 3, 2024 | Canada

During a short working visit, Prince Amyn met with the Mayor of Houston, the Honorable John Whitmire, to discuss progress on the construction of the Ismaili Center in Houston, the seventh such center in the world and the first in the United States.

Mayor Whitmire and Prince Amyn shared their aspiration for the Ismaili Center to be a place of dialogue, understanding, and learning through cultural and educational events serving all Houstonians.

Ismaili Centers mark the permanent presence of the Jamat. Architecturally unique, each Ismaili Center incorporates spaces for social and cultural gatherings, intellectual engagement and reflection, as well as spiritual contemplation. Like its counterparts around the world, the Ismaili Center Houston will represent Ismaili Muslims and be a place for dialogue, learning, and bridge-building across all communities. It will also seek to promote greater understanding about Islam, Muslims, and their history and civilizations, as well as of the Ismaili community, by highlighting shared values and experiences.

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