Communities in the Modern Era... Is it Necessary to Belong? | The Ismaili Canada

Communities in the Modern Era... Is it Necessary to Belong?

10:00 AM PT
11:00 AM MT
1:00 PM ET

Communities in the Modern Era... Is it Necessary to Belong?


This event is being presented by the Engaging Jamat Initiative (EJI) of the Council for Ontario. Jamati and non-Ismaili family members aged 35 to 55 will have an opportunity to build personal and professional connections while exchanging ideas in one of Canada’s historic cultural sites on Sunday, April 13 at the Arts and Letters Club (14 Elm St., Toronto) from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Dr. Zulfikar Hirji, associate professor of anthropology at York University, and co-author and co-editor of The Ismailis: An Illustrated History, will explore the benefits of community participation, positive influence and meaningful interactions. Dr. Hirji’s interests include how human societies articulate, represent and perform understanding of self, community and other. This event will be followed by a reception. Please click here to register.

The Ismaili

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His Highness Prince Aga Khan Shia Imami Ismaili Council for Canada

49 Wynford Drive Toronto, Ontario M3C 1K1 CANADA

Tel: +1-416-646-6965

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